Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009!
Trailer for the book I’m Not Afraid of the Darkness Any More
Animation: Graceful
Music: BiT
Where You Can Meet Vhrsti This Year If You Want
[ 2008-11-05 ] November 6 Vhrsti will welcome one of the most popular comics author Lewis Trondheim in Pilsen. During the week (from November 3 to November 9) Vhrsti will go to see some KomiksFEST! presentations and on Saturday (November 8) he will present Holidays in Heaven and sign his books and comics in the Prague Club Roxy/NoD. November 22 Vhrsti´s fairy tale´s performance will take place in Beckiland in Prague – Zlicin. It will start at 4 p.m. Further, at 3 p.m. he will draw for children and make some games. December 12 Vhrsti´s fairy tales will be presented in Nyrany near Pilsen where the second year of Forget-Me-Nots Evening will take place. You are welcome on every of these events.
Lewis Trondheim Will Come to Pilsen
[ 2008-10-30 ] One of the most famous person in the world comics Lewis Trondheim accepted Vhrsti´s invitation and will come to Pilsen. On Thursday (November 6) French author and Vhrsti will speak in the Czech Radio Pilsen (from 11 to 12 a. m.). In the afternoon Lewis Trondheim will have opportunity to see the center of the city including the Museum of Ghosts and Fairy Tales and signing to the memory book of the city. His main presentation – commented drawing – will start at 4 p. m. in the Institute of Art and Design in Pilsen (room UP101). Lewis Trondheim will come to the Czech Republic on the occasion of the 3rd year of the KomiksFEST!
The Holidays Have Just Begun!
[ 2008-09-28 ] Mlada Fronta Publishing House is coming with new children book named Holidays in Heaven, free continuation of Vhrsti´s first book I´m Not Afraid of the Darkness Any More awarded by the Price of Czech Teachers. You can meet little Stephen and his teddy bear Bartholomew again. Readers that read first book in one breath will be surprised by double long story but almost the same thickness of the book. You can looking forward to more dramatic and epic story full of new characters. You can see the first surprise on the book cover – little roguish angel Vitus instead of friend teddy Bartholomew. You can also meet Stephen´s parents, granny and grandpa and schoolmates in the book. But no doubt the most attractive character is stormy dragon.
Holidays in Heaven will be baptizing at 6 p.m. on October 6 in the Czech Radio Pilsen House. Big portion of funny fairy tales by Vhrsti is preparing for all spectators. They will know about the life in the highets house in the world, the names of dolphins and the time and reason of first snowfall. Admission free!
Another Itinerant Exhibition with Vhrsti
[ 2008-09-26 ] After short presentation in Libcice the itinerant exhibition of political caricatures and cartoons In Our Gotham continnues in Kralupy, Czech Republic. Exhibition was opened on September 25 in Small Hall of Cultural and Social Centre „VLTAVA“. The Czech Cartoonists‘ Union arranged this exhibition as well the catalogue with works of the prominent Czech authors.
Cartoon Meeting Point and Joke for FOR
[ 2008-09-17 ] Winners of the seventh annual open competition of graphic humour Joke for FOR were awarded yesterday in Prague. Also exhibition of the best cartoons has opened. In total 149 authors from 35 countries sent over 300 works to this competition. The exhibition where also Vhrsti´s picture takes place is located in the Wenceslas Square 29 (ABF Foundation).
Last weekend Vhrsti went to the European cartoonists´ meeting in Pisek (Czech Republic) named Cartoon Meeting Point 2008. His photoreport is presented on
Generation Zero on the Comics Saloon 2008 in Bratislava, Slovakia
[ 2008-09-10 ] Exhibition Generation Zero – New Wave of Czech and Slovak Comics will be one of the best attractions of Comics Saloon 2008 in the capital of Slovakia. Vhrsti presents extract from Blur (2004). This comics won the special prize of the jury on comics festival in Beograd, Serbia. After Comics Saloon the best works of the youngest comics generation will be moved to comics festival in Lodz, Poland and next year will be presented in Paris, France and Stockholm, Sweden.
Vhrsti Is Comming Back to the Public Transport
[ 2008-09-06 ] This time not with his travelling exhibition Endless Tram but with series of comic strips and cartoons. It’s the herald of long-range partnership with PMDP – Pilsener Public Transport Company. Passengers of overy pilsener tram, bus and trolleybus can see Vhrsti’s cartoons or bus driver comic monologues about vandalism, smoking in vehicles and stops, travelling with large luggage or dogs (one example).
Holidays in Heaven Will Be on September 19
[ 2008-08-30 ] Holidays in Heaven – free continuation of Vhrsti’s first book I’m Not Afraid of the Darkness Any More (the Price of Czech Teachers) – will be published on September 19. New story of little Stephen will have 72 pages in length and will bring lots of new characters and gripping events.
Big Upadate
[ 2008-08-17 ] There are big changes coming up on Vhrsti’s official webpage this holiday. Now you can see plenty of new pictures, sketches, cartoons, comics and illustrations including previews from awaited book Holidays in Heaven, that will be published in September. Galleries are more well arranged and presentable thanks to winnow out some of older pictures now. Moreover brand new Books gallery was created. There also some changes in Downloads too. The page about author was also meaningfully expanded.
Generation Zero Exhibition in Most, Czech Republic
[ 2008-07-10 ] The unique exhibition of new wave of Czech and Slovak comics Generation Zero has moved to Most, Czech Republic. You can see comics from the best domestic authors about 30 years old including Vhrsti’s „comics prank“ Blur and compilation from his series Endless Tram in Big Hall of Town Library Most. The exhibition will finish on August 8. It was possible to see it in Brno, Prague etc. Exhibitions in the abroad will start soon.
New Vhrsti’s Children Book as Comics in Hungary
[ 2008-06-02 ] Vhrsti and Tomas Hibi Matejicek, comics journalist and scenarist, transformed part of the new children book Holidays in Heaven to wide format comics. The work has awakened an interest of organizers of International exhibition of comic strips in public places in Pécs, Hungary. That’s why you can see this poster in citylights of the National Theatre Meeting and Weeks of Gastronomy of Pécs in June 2008. The book Holidays in Heaven will be published in Czech language by Mlada Fronta Publishing House in autumn 2008. This new story will freely continue on the book I’m Not Afraid of the Darkness Any More.
24 Hours for Freedom
[ 2008-05-27 ] 24 Hours for Freedom is name of happening that is prepared for the weekend to Pilsen cultural and literature café Jablon. The second year that will start at 8 p.m. (May 30) and will finished at 8 p.m. (May 31) is dedicated to support of freedom in Belarus. Vhrsti as other colleague from art professions – poets, writers, reciters, actors and musicians will present his work. Presentation of Vhrsti’s fairy tales will start on May 31 at 1.30 p.m. Admission 50 CZK will be remited to the account of People in Need organization.
Vhrsti on Two Cartoonists‘ Exhibitions in Prague
[ 2008-05-15 ] You can presently see two cartoonists‘ exhibitions in Prague. One of them is situated in the House of ABF Foundation, Wenceslas Square. It is collection of cartoons from 20 countries from the competition For pro FOR (Joke for FOR) from 2002 to 2007. The second, Tichy mat (Silent Checkmate), takes place in Michna Palace, Prague 1, on the occasion of CEZ Chess Trophy 2008. Czech Union of Cartoonists is co-host of both exhibitions.
Vhrsti’s Book Won the Price of Czech Teachers
[ 2008-04-09 ] The first Vhrsti’s book I’m Not Afraid of the Darkness Any More was awarded the Price of Czech Teachers for contribution to children’s literature in the 15th competition SUK – All the People Read. The ceremony took place in the historical sight of the Museum of Czech Literature in Prague. The action was organised by the Institute for Information on Education, NPKK – the Suk’s Study Library for Youngs and SKIP – the Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic.
Ghosts Museum Attracts for Vhrsti
[ 2008-04-01 ] After yesterday opening ceremony Pilsen Ghosts Museum located in the historic city center welcomes new visitors. Atractive fairy tales expositions in the extensive vaults under the Central Hotel in the Republic Square intermesh Vhrsti’s original arts. Pilsen artist is the author of the museum’s logo and life-size Radous inviting visitors. Also some ghosts look like from Vhrsti’s fairy tales book and some drawings were transfered on the walls in the first underground floor by other people in the cute naive way. In the second underground floor you can see model of the 31 most important sights from the Pilsen Region made by Vhrsti. If you want you can buy fairy tales books, children game called memory, colouring books and badges in the museum’s reception. Pay attention to the possibility to buy Vhrsti´s plush stuffed toy Radous!
Vhrsti in Press
[ 2008-03-30 ] In the past months you could notice some articles about Vhrsti’s activities in Czech newspapers. Except of reviews of the collective exhibition Generation Zero that was mentioned in all of Czech important medias we can remind some newspapers‘ articles. Pravo spoke about three of the Prague KomiksFEST! exhibitions in the article Lomova, Grus and Vhrsti on the Komiksfest. Bedriska Bruhova from the newspaper Denik wrote about the book I’m Not Afraid of the Darkness Any More in the article named Also Chinese Children Could Stop Afraid of the Darkness. Vladimir Gardavsky reported in the same newspaper on other publication in the article Pilsen Calendar Was Written by Pilsen Artist and Writer Vhrsti and Petr Dvorak announced that Vhrsti’s Fairy Tales Are in the Air of the Pilsen Czech Radio. One news about the book Half a Threescore Pilsen Region’s Fairy Tales and Legends was published in MF Dnes headed Fairy Tales Remove the Mystery. In the mag Kultura came out interview Comics Can Present Both Cartoon Comedy and Detective Story. MF Dnes gave a report about the exhibition of Czech Cartoonists‘ Union In Litvinov They Said That New Year Had to Start with the Smile. In the same newspaper it was possible to read short Vhrsti’s profile Master of Comics in the part Talent of the Week.
Generation Zero Exhibition in Prague
[ 2008-02-24 ] The unique exhibition of new wave of Czech and Slovak comics will reach Prague. Opening of Generation Zero Exhibition will take place on February 28 at 6 p.m. in the Gallery VSUP. You can looking forward to more than 180 comics pages A3 and on top of that few large prints on canvas. Vhrsti will bring out his comics Blur that obtained a special award from the jury at the 1st International Shop of Young Comics in Belgrade, Serbia, in 2003 and few episodes of his comic strip Endless Tram. The exhibition will finish on March 28.
New Photos
[ 2008-02-16 ] Now there are brand new pictures in the Vhrsti’s photogallery: christening of the book Half a Threescore in the Gallery of Western Bohemia and in Republic Square in Plzen, Mouse-ear Christmas Performance in Nyrany and fairy-tales performance in the Prague club Klamovka.
Vhrsti’s Comics in the Magazines
[ 21. 1. 2008-01-21 ] If you want you can see some of Vhrstis’Comics in the magazines this year. Children can look forward to the comics Alik’s Troubles according to the scenario by famous Czech writer Jiri Zacek – each month in the magazine Slunicko. You can also enjoy poetic comics by Vhrsti in the literary magazine Plz. First issue is named Here I am. New Vhrsti’s fairy tale Secret of Snowflakes was also published in the magazine Aperio in January.
Endless Tram in Litvinov
[ 2008-01-06 ] The best of Vhrsti’s popular comics strips Endless Tram will prepare to Litvinov (Czech Republic). It will be presented thanks to the exhibition Smiles for New Year by The Czech Cartoonists‘ Union in Gallery Radnicni sklipek. Zdenek Hofman, Jiri Kostyr, Bretislav Kovarik, Novak-Skoupy or Marie Plotena will also show their works. Opening ceremony is planned on January 8, at 6 p. m. Exhibition will be opened till the end of the January.
Vhrsti’s Fairy Tales in Klamovka
[ 2008-01-02 ] Anne-Francoise Joseph and Tomas J. Res will come back to Prague with Vhrsti’s fairy tales I’m Not Afraid of the Darkness Any More, Of Plumbers and Of Breakfast’s Crumbs. This performance will take place in the club Klamovka (Podbelohorska 3, Prague, Czech Republic) on January 7, from 4 p. m. You will have also opportunity to see Vhrsti’s fairy tales’exhibition that started in December. You can enjoy drinking glasses, bottles, grinder, cutlery, breadcrumbs and cocktail preparing on the stage in title roles. Violin’s music group Art Time Mums will also appear on the stage during the performance.