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Rubrika: English (strana 5 z 23)

Our new evening TV fairy-tale animation series will have its premiere on Czech Television!

Czech Television will broadcast our new evening TV animation series “The White Lady Baby Sitter” from Thursday 10th October on channels CT2 and CT :D. You can not only watch it on TV, but also on this website – I will publish one article about creating the series, with interesting pictures, every day. Then you will have more fun with the TV in the evening!

Illustration Friday: Underwater

Oh, to have wings…

The annual „Knihobrani“ festival of literature in Cheb Museum has the subtitle „Oh to have wings…“. Children will colour my colouring books there in the morning program on Saturday October 5th. For anyone who buys any of my books, I’ll draw a big picture, which can be taken home with the books as a personal gift from me.

How to draw the sun

We shot another slightly crazy film after Snails in our garden. This time it’s a DIY tutorial on how to draw a lovely, realistic sun. (Do not click on the picture, but the word “video”.)

Drawing to order from the view of a satisfied client

I thought for a long time about who to order the design of my bookplate from. At one time it was quite normal to mark books with such a slip of paper, which represented both the book and its owner. I contacted my fellow countryman, Vhrsti, after a complicated selection process, because he knows my homeland of “Podbrdsko” (the Brdy mountain foothills region) perfectly, and is able to give a true picture of the local atmosphere and of the book’s owner. >> Otevři celý článek

How to draw differently…

… that I am a prolific illustrator? ;-)

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