Lucie Kaslová – Manageress of production

Vojta, alias Vhrsti, is a true professional. His original speech enchanted us. His attitude to his work is resoundingly professional, creative, positive, and open. We co-operate on posters, logos, illustrations, etc. Vojta made all of the illustrations for our Museum of Ghosts and Fairy Tales in Pilsen, including logos, pictures, memory cards, and colouring books. He prepared the graphic designs for CDs and illustrations of our books “Two Dozen Pilsen Fairy Tales” and “Legends, Half a Threescore – Pilsen Region’s Fairy Tales” and “Legends and Half a Threescore to a Threescore of Fairy Tales and Legends from Bohemia”. We can also mention the “Pocket Fairy Tales” range, as well as other products in the e-shop at All products made with Vojta have terrific sales. I can only recommend co-operation with this professional.

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